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Book - Teaching Music History (2016, Hardcover) DOC, PDF, DJV


This collection of essays provides advice and guidance to those who teach a college-level music history or music appreciation course, be they a graduate student setting out on their teaching career, or a seasoned professor having to teach outside his or her speciality.Divided into four sections, the book covers the basic music history survey usually taken by music majors; music appreciation and introductory courses aimed at non-majors; special topic courses such as women and music, music for film and American music; and more general issues such as writing, using anthologies, and approaches to teaching in various situations., This volume presents 18 essays, written from numerous perspectives, on a variety of topics related to teaching music history. The collection grew from the needs of the editor to become more conscious, aware, knowledgeable and purposeful about her teaching skills. In the absence of a more formal support network, informal discussions and chats have formed the backbone of the editor's sharing experience and many essays stem from interactions of this kind., Unlike their colleagues in music theory and music education, teachers of music history have tended not to commit their pedagogical ideas to print. This collection of essays seeks to help redress the balance, providing advice and guidance to those who teach a college-level music history or music appreciation course, be they a graduate student setting out on their teaching career, or a seasoned professor having to teach outside his or her speciality. Divided into four sections, the book covers the basic music history survey usually taken by music majors; music appreciation and introductory courses aimed at non-majors; special topic courses such as women and music, music for film and American music; and more general issues such as writing, using anthologies, and approaches to teaching in various situations. In addition to these specific areas, broader themes emerge across the essays. These include how to integrate social history and cultural context into music history teaching; the shift away from the 'classical canon'; and how to organize a course taking into consideration time constraints and the need to appeal to students from a diverse range of backgrounds. With contributions from both teachers approaching retirement and those at the start of their careers, this volume provides a spectrum of experience which will prove valuable to all teachers of music history.

Teaching Music History (2016, Hardcover) FB2, EPUB

Bringing readers inside the making of a hit, "Anatomy of a Song" includes the Isley Brothers' memorable song "Shout," Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love," Janis Joplin's "Mercedes Benz," and R.E.M's "Losing My Religion." After receiving his discharge from the army in 1968, John Fogerty does a handstand and reworks Beethoven's Fifth Symphony to come up with "Proud Mary." Joni Mitchell remembers living in a cave on Crete with the "mean old daddy" who inspired her 1971 hit "Carey." Elvis Costello talks about writing "(The Angels Wanna War My) Red Shoes" in ten minutes on the train to Liverpool.We travel into housing projects, forest-stripped ravines, and trailer high-rises, exploring the vibrant migrant tradition of Appalachian culture.Models of programs that feature in-school, out-of-school and beyond school contexts, lifespan learning perspectives, active juxtapositions of formal and informal approaches to teaching and learning, student-driven project-based fieldwork, and the purposeful employment of technology and digital media as platforms for authentic music engagement within a contemporary participatory culture are all offered as springboards for innovative practice., This book surveys emerging music and education landscapes to present a sampling of the promising practices of music teacher education that may serve as new models for the 21st century.An enormous triumph in its own right, Native Believer also points toward an even brighter future for American fiction." -- Andrew Ervin , author of Burning Down George Orwell's House Praise for Children of Dust by Ali Eteraz: "A gifted writer and scholar, Eteraz is able to create a true-life Islamic bildungsroman as he effortlessly conveys his coming-of-age tale while educating the reader...His catharsis transcends the page." -- Publishers Weekly "The gripping story of a young man exposed to both the beauty and ugliness of religion." -- Laila Lalami , author of The Moor's Account "An astoundingly frightening, funny, and brave book.Comprising both interpretive essays and a selection of fascinating documents that bear on Dvor�k's career and music, this volume addresses fundamental questions about the composer while presenting an argument for a radical reappraisal.The essays, which make up the first part of the book, begin with Leon Botstein's inquiry into the reception of Dvor�k's work in German-speaking Europe, in England, and in America.The book not only sheds light on the activities and ambitions of principal agents but also illuminates a particularly dynamic moment in the re-emergence of a distinctively English music-theatrical practice: one especially concerned with calling on aspects of the past to help to secure a worthwhile future.So sang Joni Mitchell in 1970 on 'Woodstock'.All musicians know this fundamental truth'e"but what does it actually mean?