Read book Bruce Ballenger - The Curious Writer Brief, Books a la Carte Edition MOBI, DOC, EPUB
9780134121444 English 0134121449 NOTE: This edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version. Books a la Carte also offer a great value; this format costs significantly less than a new textbook. Before purchasing, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not transferable. In addition, you may need a Course ID, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products. For courses in First-Year Composition - Rhetoric. Puts inquiry at the heart of good writing We write to learn as much as we do to express what we already know. In his remarkably personal and engaging voice, Bruce Ballenger makes that powerful concept central to The Curious Writer, Brief Edition. The Curious Writer, Brief Edition doesn't read like a textbook or provide a formula for composing essays. Instead, it encourages students to suspend judgment, to ask questions, and to seek answers much like academics do. Yet it covers a wide range of genres beyond the academic essay-narrative, profile, review, ethnography, argument, and more-all with a distinctive approach and "personality" that is lacking in other texts. It also reinforces the assumption that genres are malleable with a new chapter on repurposing or "re-genre-ing." Students love that this book helps them learn to write by pursuing their own curiosity. Teachers appreciate that Ballenger provides ample opportunities for students to develop the habits of mind necessary to become critical thinkers and curious writers. Also available with MyWritingLab(tm) MyWritingLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts. In addition to the full eText, activities directly from the text are available within MyWritingLab. These include the small scrawl written assignments, readings from the text, review exercises and more. NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyWritingLab does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyWritingLab search for: 013417772X / 9780134177724 The Curious Writer, Brief Edition, Books a la Carte Edition Plus MyWritingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 00133954706 / 9780133954708 MyWritingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card 0134121449 / 9780134121444 The Curious Writer, Brief Edition, Books a la Carte Edition
9780134121444 English 0134121449 NOTE: This edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version. Books a la Carte also offer a great value; this format costs significantly less than a new textbook. Before purchasing, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not transferable. In addition, you may need a Course ID, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products. For courses in First-Year Composition - Rhetoric. Puts inquiry at the heart of good writing We write to learn as much as we do to express what we already know. In his remarkably personal and engaging voice, Bruce Ballenger makes that powerful concept central to The Curious Writer, Brief Edition. The Curious Writer, Brief Edition doesn't read like a textbook or provide a formula for composing essays. Instead, it encourages students to suspend judgment, to ask questions, and to seek answers much like academics do. Yet it covers a wide range of genres beyond the academic essay-narrative, profile, review, ethnography, argument, and more-all with a distinctive approach and "personality" that is lacking in other texts. It also reinforces the assumption that genres are malleable with a new chapter on repurposing or "re-genre-ing." Students love that this book helps them learn to write by pursuing their own curiosity. Teachers appreciate that Ballenger provides ample opportunities for students to develop the habits of mind necessary to become critical thinkers and curious writers. Also available with MyWritingLab(tm) MyWritingLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts. In addition to the full eText, activities directly from the text are available within MyWritingLab. These include the small scrawl written assignments, readings from the text, review exercises and more. NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyWritingLab does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyWritingLab search for: 013417772X / 9780134177724 The Curious Writer, Brief Edition, Books a la Carte Edition Plus MyWritingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 00133954706 / 9780133954708 MyWritingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card 0134121449 / 9780134121444 The Curious Writer, Brief Edition, Books a la Carte Edition