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Susan Karcher - Morgan James Faith: Who Are the Joneses Anyway? : Stop Living Someone Else's Life and Start Becoming Who You Are Meant to Be read ebook TXT, DJV, FB2


At one time or another, most of us have heard the expression "keeping up with the Joneses", a legendary family that has the world trying to keep up with them. They are mentioned in tweets, movies, newscasts, articles, blogs, books, and more. They are mysterious. They seem to be everywhere, but no one appears to have actually met them. Why is that? You have likely heard of them too, but have you met the Joneses? We have, and we would like to introduce them to you. We think you'll be just as surprised as we were by who they are. Too often we measure success by our accomplishments or the stuff we have accumulated. But life should be about so much more, like discovering who you are, why you are here, and the legacy you create. Think of the possibilities if you started living your life more intentionally, doing more of the things that matter most-and less of everything else. Could life be less hectic? What if you spent more time doing things today that could lead to a better tomorrow, instead of just trying to survive each day? What if you could live more simply, yet more fully? In "Who Are the Joneses Anyway?", we lead you on your own "Joneses Journey", ask you relevant questions and encourage to be brave enough to seek the answers. The practical approach and resources will help you get from where you are to where you really want your life to be as you to think less about your "what" and begin thinking more about your "who.", People all around us are living and dying by the standards of the Joneses. They are sacrificing and struggling, trying to live by some fictitious standard they don t understand while thinking they are just one purchase, one accomplishment, or one compliment away from being content. Don t be one of them don t try to keep up with the Joneses. If you want a better life, you will have to realize that life should be about who you are, why you are here, and how you live your life your own life, not someone else s.", People all around us are trying to keep up with the standards of the Joneses. They are sacrificing and struggling, trying to live by some fictitious standard they don t understand while thinking they are just one purchase, one accomplishment, or one compliment away from true happiness. They don t realize that chasing the world s promises will only lead to disappointment and discontent. If you want a better life than what you have today, your answers will never be found in the world. You must realize that life should be about who you are, why you are here, and how you live your life--your own life, not the Joneses or anyone else s. "Who Are the Joneses Anyway?" demonstrates through real-life stories and practical guidance how to leave your old self behind and embark on a journey of discovering who you are truly meant to be."

Morgan James Faith: Who Are the Joneses Anyway? : Stop Living Someone Else's Life and Start Becoming Who You Are Meant to Be by Susan Karcher EPUB

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