Ebook Anne Green Gilbert - Creative Dance for All Ages 2nd Edition with Web Resource MOBI, DJV


"Creative Dance for All Ages, Second Edition," has had a long history of providing a dance curriculum to teachers and students preparing to teach creative dance. Author Anne Gilbert demystifies expectations when teaching creative dance and provides the theory, methods, and lesson ideas for success in a variety of settings and with students of all ages. This one-stop resource offers dance teachers everything they need, including a sequential curriculum, lesson plans, instructional strategies, assessment, and other forms. It's like having a seasoned dance teacher at your side offering inspiration and guidance all year long. Internationally recognized master teacher and author Anne Gilbert Green presents creative dance for everyone and tips on meeting the challenges of teaching it. She offers a complete package for teaching creative dance that includes the theory, methodology, and lesson plans for various age groups that can be used in a variety of settings. Gilbert also offers an entire dance curriculum for sequential teaching and learning. The second edition of her classic text has been revised, reorganized, and updated to meet all the needs of dance teachers. The second edition of "Creative Dance for All Ages" includes these new features: - An easy-to-navigate format helps you quickly access the material and find lesson planning and assessment tools. - Content reflects changes in the field of dance education to put you on the cutting edge. - Forty age-appropriate and brain-compatible lesson plans are accessible through the web resource, which save prep time and help ensure compliance with the latest standards. - Five downloadable video clips demonstrate the lesson plans and teaching strategies and how to put them to work in the classroom. - Suggestions for modifying lessons help you include students of all abilities. - Eight assessment forms and curriculum planning templates are adaptable to your needs. If you're a novice teacher, the book also contains these features to ensure effective instruction: - The same conceptual approach to teaching dance was used in the first edition. - A sequential dance curriculum helps you systematically cover a 10-week quarter or 16-week semester. - Class management tips put you in control from the first day. "Creative Dance for All Ages, Second Edition," is an unparalleled resource for dance educators who are looking for a conceptual creative dance curriculum that will support teaching to learners of all ages. Whether in a studio, company, recreational, or educational setting, you will discover a comprehensive and well-rounded approach to teaching dance, emphasizing the how as much as the why.

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